The National Energy Regulatory Council (NERC) is submitting for public consultation a revised draft on the amendment to the description of the procedure for organising tenders and issuing permits for the development of renewable energy plants in the maritime area. Comments and suggestions will be accepted until 3 January 2024.
The aim of the project is to implement the amendments to the Law on Renewable Energy and to the Resolution to be adopted by the Government and to improve the conditions for organising tenders.
Substantive changes: a new chapter has been added to the revised draft, which sets out the cases and procedure for approving a change in the composition of a legal person or other organisation established in the Republic of Lithuania by the successful bidder. Other changes have also been made in the light of comments and suggestions which have been taken into account. All comments and suggestions received are set out in a reconciliation certificate (attached) indicating how they have been taken into account (if taken into account) or the reasons why the comments and suggestions have not been taken into account.
The draft is published in the Draft Legal Acts Information System of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (TAIS) and on the NERC website
Pastabas ir pasiūlymus prašome pateikti el. paštu arba per LR Seimo teisės aktų projektų informacinę sistemą, o neturint tokios galimybės – paštu Verkių g. 25C-1, Vilnius, LT-08223 arba faksu (8 5) 213 5270.
Comments and suggestions are published under Public Consultation.