NERC: Qualifications of the tenderers participating in the spring procurement procedure for the Offshore Wind Farm meet the requirements

Tenderers for the 700 megawatt (MW) offshore wind farm procurement procedure announced in the spring have met the qualification requirements and will be allowed to participate in the next stage of the procurement, according to the organiser, the National Energy Regulatory Council (NERC).

Two tenderers will be able to submit their Tenders for the development fee for the development of wind farms in the Baltic Sea area on the website of the Centre of Registers from 9 a.m. on 7 July to 2 p.m. on 10 July.

The auction would be awarded to the developer who submits the most financially advantageous offer and pays the development fee to the state budget. The initial offer should be at least EUR 5 million, and subsequent offers should be increased by the same amount.

The qualification of the tenderers was checked by a committee consisting of representatives of NERC, the Ministry of Energy, the Competition Council, Vilnius University, Kaunas University of Technology and the Lithuanian Energy Agency.

The potential successful tenderer will be announced on 11 July, but would only be declared successful if it is in the interests of national security. Such a check can take around 60 calendar days. The successful tenderer should be announced in September.

Lithuania is preparing to build two wind farms in the Baltic Sea, each with a capacity of 700 MW. A second call for tenders is planned for this autumn. Both offshore wind farms would provide around half of Lithuania's current electricity demand.

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