Two Tenderers to Compete in the Offshore Wind Park Tendering Procedure

The first stage of the offshore wind park competition has ended - two participants have submitted documents to the National Energy Regulatory Council (NERC). They expressed their intention to develop an offshore wind park with a permitted generation capacity of up to 700 MW in the Baltic Sea. 

The participants compliance with the requirements will be assessed by a NERC committee. The first meeting of the Committee will take place on 1 June 2023. Both tenderers have been invited to attend the Committee meeting.

Subsequent meetings of the Committee will assess the eligibility of tenderers and establish a list of eligible tenderers. This will have to be done within a maximum of 30 calendar days (in the case of a large volume of documents, this deadline may be extended by 7 calendar days).

If both tenderers meet the requirements, the phase of submitting tenders for the power plant development fee will proceed. The potential successful tenderer would be known the day after the offshore wind farm development fee tender phase, but would only be declared successful if it is in the interest of national security. The verification of compliance with national security interests could take about 60 calendar days. The successful tenderer will be known around the beginning of September 2023.

Lithuania is preparing to develop two wind parks in the Baltic Sea, each with a permitted capacity of 700 MW. Another tender for the development of an offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea near Palanga is planned for autumn this year. The two offshore wind farms would provide about half of Lithuania’s current electricity needs and reduce the country’s dependence on electricity imports.

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