The first offshore wind park in Lithuania - already in 2028

The Seimas today adopted a package of laws for the development of offshore wind energy in the Baltic Sea and gave the green light to the creation of the first offshore wind park in Lithuania.

The adopted amendments to the Laws on the Energy of Renewable Resources and Electricity provide for the course of the auction for the developer of the wind power park to be held next year, the technical conditions for the installation of the park, and the pricing principles for the energy produced in the future.

"The first wind farm in the Baltic Sea is one of the most important projects for Lithuania's energy independence. It will significantly increase the production of local electricity from renewable energy resources and thus reduce Lithuania's dependence on electricity imports," says Energy Minister Dainius Kreivys.

It is estimated that a park of approximately 700 MW of power plants in the Baltic Sea could produce up to 2 TWh of green electricity per year. This would ensure up to a quarter of Lithuania's electricity needs.
It is planned that the auction for the developer of the first wind farm will be announced in 2023. II half-year. It is expected that the park will start operating in 2028.

In total, at least 4 offshore wind power parks could be developed on the coast of Lithuania. The capacity and installation timing of the other parks will depend on future research and the completion of infrastructure and other preparatory work.

In preparation for the auction of the first park, the Ministry of Energy is conducting consultations with potential offshore wind park developers. The connection of the offshore wind park to the transmission networks, the connection voltage, the width of the connection corridor and other technical issues of the project are discussed with potential investors, as well as legislative changes related to the implementation of the project, the project calendar and issues of the future construction of the wind park - logistics, supply of materials.

In preparation for this auction, the Ministry of Energy has already started procedures for the preparation of the special plan, the strategic environmental consequences of the special plan, the assessment of the impact on the environment and public health, seabed and wind speed studies and other preparatory works.

The package of laws will enter into force after the President signs it.

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