Energetikos ministerija kovo mėnesį pradeda konsultacijas su potencialiais jūrinio vėjo parko Baltijos jūroje vystytojais. Konsultacijos bus vykdomos rengiantis vėjo parkų jūroje vystytojo atrankos aukcionui, susitikimai su potencialiais investuotojais planuojami iki balandžio 18 dienos.
It is intended to discuss with potential investors the connection of the wind park to the transmission networks, the connection voltage, the width of the connection corridor and other technical issues of the project, as well as legislative changes related to the implementation of the project, the project calendar and the future construction of the wind park - logistics, material supply issues. Those interested in the implementation of the project and its technical aspects are invited to apply by e-mail. by post klimato.kaita@enmin.lt.
Information about the offshore wind project in the Baltic Sea
The public institution Lithuanian Energy Agency, in exercising the powers granted by the Ministry of
Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, has assessed the need for mandatory marine surveys and
The public institution Lithuanian Energy Agency, in fulfillment of the powers granted by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, assessed the need for mandatory marine research and actions in the territory of the territorial sea of the Republic of Lithuania and/or the exclusive economic zone of the Republic of Lithuania in the Baltic Sea, where it is appropriate to organize a tender for the development and operation of power plants using renewable energy resources .development and operation of power plants using renewable energy sources is expedient.
After clarifying the need and preparing the necessary documents needed to organize the procurement of research and services, the public institution Lithuanian Energy Agency initiated international public procurement related to this project in order to identify service providers who will perform the planned research and services.
Approved potential territory for the development of renewable energy
Tasks of the engineering infrastructure development plan:
• determine the specific areas where the development and operation of offshore wind farms will be carried out in stages, including the assessment of the current situation and taking into account the implementation of the development of wind farms in stages;
preparing the concept (at least two alternatives) for connecting the wind farms to
transformer substations in the Baltic Sea (hereinafter referred to as offshore transformer
substations) as well as solutions according to the issued planning conditions, providing
preliminary locations for connecting the offshore wind farms to offshore transformer
substation cables and offshore transformer substations according to the alternatives
detailing the research and concept solutions necessary to carry out field studies for the
installation of offshore transformer substations and connection of the wind farms to the
offshore transformer substation cables at locations according to the alternatives prepared;
within the boundaries of the territory of the engineering infrastructure development plan,
reserving territories for the boundaries of the wind farms, connection cables,
communication, construction and service corridors, and other infrastructure objects;
providing for special conditions for the use of the territory, conditions for the use,
management and protection of planned territories and the development of activities in
those territories, and other requirements;
preparing an engineering infrastructure development plan for the development of wind
farms in the Baltic Sea with detailed solutions;
performing SEA procedures in accordance with the procedure established by the Description
of the Procedure for the Strategic Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes
approved by Resolution No 967 of 18 August 2004 of the Government of the Republic of
Lithuania on Approval of the Description of the Procedure for the Strategic Environmental
Assessment of Plans and Programmes.
Environmental impact assessment
2020 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on
Establishing the Parts of the Territorial Sea of the Republic of Lithuania and/or the Exclusive
Economic Zone of the Republic of Lithuania in the Baltic Sea where Organising a Tender/Tenders for
the Development and Operation of Power Plants Using Renewable Energy Sources is Expedient, as
well as the Installed Capacities of these Power Plants, it is mandatory to prepare an environmental
impact assessment (EIA) programme for the proposed economic activity (PEA), perform EIA procedures, and prepare an EIA report in accordance with the Republic of Lithuania Law on Environmental Impact Assessment of Proposed Economic Activity.
In 2021, the public institution Lithuanian Energy Agency, in exercising the powers granted by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, carried out public procurement procedures and identified a qualified provider: VšĮ Pajūrio tyrimų ir planavimo institutas (Public Institution Coastal Research and Planning Institute), which will carry out environmental impact assessment procedures for the installation and operation of a wind farm with an installed capacity of up to 700 MW
In the first stage, an EIA programme was prepared, the purpose of which was to provide information
about the PEA, its location, nature, capacities and potential impact on the environment, and
accordingly predict the content, scope and issues of the EIA report.
Geological research of the seabed
The development of wind power plants in the territorial waters of the Republic of Lithuania in the
Baltic Sea is intrinsically linked to both the characteristics of the seabed and the geological structure
of the subsurface. The seabed topography and its geological structure have a special impact on the
selection of wind power plant construction and foundations, as well as the layout of the
In order to rationally plan the installation of a wind farm, all potential geological risks must be
assessed, and any objects on the seabed, such as dangerous debris, unexploded ordnance and so on,
must be analysed.
Viešoji įstaiga Lietuvos energetikos agentūra, vykdydama Lietuvos Respublikos energetikos ministerijos pavedimą, 2021 m. parengė reikalingus dokumentus ir inicijavo viešąjį tarptautinį pirkimą, siekiant nustatyti teikėją, kuris atliks geofizinius ir geotechninius jūros dugno tyrimus numatytoje vėjo elektrinių plėtrai teritorijoje Baltijos jūroje. Numatoma, kad atrinktas tiekėjas šiuos tyrimus galėtų atlikti per 11 mėnesių, o jų rezultatai bus žinomi iki 2023 m. vidurio.
The main meteorological factor that determines favourable conditions for the development of
offshore wind energy is the wind potential. Wind speed in the territorial waters of Lithuania has not
been measured or studied exhaustively. Wind potential is crucial for developers to select the right
turbines and calculate the farm's efficiency.
Wind speed measurements
Siekiant įvertinti jūrinio vėjo potencialą ir kitus hidrometeorologinius duomenis būsimo vėjo elektrinių parko vystymo vietoje Baltijos jūroje, viešoji įstaiga Lietuvos energetikos agentūra, vykdydama Lietuvos Respublikos energetikos ministerijos įgaliojimą, 2021 m. parengė reikalingus dokumentus ir inicijavo viešąjį tarptautinį pirkimą, siekiant nustatyti kompetentingą teikėją, kuris atliks vėjo greičio, vandens ir kitų meteorologinių parametrų matavimus planuojamoje teritorijoje. Numatoma, kad būsimas teikėjas reikiamus matavimus atliks iki 2023 m. vidurio, t. y. iki numatomo paskelbti konkurso dėl leidimo naudoti jūrinę teritoriją elektrinių plėtrai ir paramos.
Metų trukmės matavimus planuojama atlikti dviejose iš anksto nustatytose teritorijos vietose – matavimų stotyse. Matavimai turi būti atliekami įdiegus nuolatinio stebėjimo, inkaruojamas plūduriuojančias stotis su integruota būtina matavimams atlikti įranga. Numatomose vėjo greičių matavimo stočių vietose jūros gylis svyruoja nuo 36 m iki 44 m.
The data obtained will be used to assess the wind energy potential and the hydrometeorological conditions of the sea at the place in the Baltic Sea where the wind farm is planned to be developed.