Measurements of wind speed and other parameters of the marine environment in the Baltic Sea have been started

As part of the contract concluded between the Ministry of Energy and the Spanish company EOLOS Floating Lidar Solutions SL, on July 19 of this year, two buoys with specialized wind speed, direction, atmospheric pressure, air temperature, relative humidity, wave spectrum peak period were anchored in two predetermined locations in the Baltic Sea. , maximum wave height, current strength and direction and water level measuring equipment. The work of anchoring the buoys was carried out by the Lithuanian closed joint stock company "Garant Diving" together with Spanish specialists.

Data on hydrometeorological parameters from buoys will be obtained remotely for one year. It is expected that the collected data will be processed until 2023. end of July They are very important in preparation for 2023. for the planned tenders for the development and operation of wind power plants in the maritime territory of Lithuania. This data will help potential developers to select wind turbine models, estimate production capacity and lifetime.

According to preliminary estimates, the 700 MW wind power park installed in the maritime territory of Lithuania will annually produce about 2.5-3 TWh of electricity, which is about 25 percent. Lithuania's needs. These additional power generation capacities will contribute to reducing dependence on electricity imports.

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